štvrtok 27. marca 2014

streda 19. marca 2014

You light up my world... Part 41

Title: You light up my world
Part 41 - No here!

Špeciálne venovanie Beatrix, aby úspešne zvládla tieto dve maturitné dni...

sobota 15. marca 2014

You killed my inspiration [Story of our parents] Part 8

Title: You killed my inspiration [Story of our parents]
By: Beatrix & ♀Alex♀
Part 8- After all, I still love you & always will...

Píše Beatrix: Dodávam špeciálne venovanie našej oslávenkyni ♀Alex♀, ktorá má dnes narodeniny. Všetko naj, zlatko... :*

sobota 8. marca 2014

You killed my inspiration [Story of our parents] Part 7

Title: You killed my inspiration [Story of our parents]
By: Beatrix & ♀Alex♀
Part 7 - It seems diferent...

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